
My name is Jonathan Robson, and this is my personal website. Vocationally, I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer on the Platform Team at Wikia in San Francisco where I build awesome distributed systems and tools, mostly in Python. Avocationally, I'm an open-source software developer, Linux enthusiast, INTJ, speedcuber, dog lover, musician, and nerd. Educationally, I'm a philosopher, mathematician, and physicist. I also like to consider myself a polymath and somewhat of an amateur anthropologist.

I was born, raised, and educated in Wichita, Kansas, and no, it's not as boring there as you might think. In 2007, I moved to the Kansas City Metro Area—which I now consider home more than Wichita, even after subsequently moving to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2013. I'll always be a midwesterner at heart, but I love to explore new places and new opportunities.

You can find me in a variety of places on the web:

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